What A True Witness Desires

“The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” - John 1:29  

     The true messenger calls upon men to look to Jesus.  He calls them away from seeing other things and bids them look and “behold the Lamb of God.”  God-sent servants do not say, “Look to the priest, look to the altar, look to the church, look to baptism, look to the Lord’s Supper or look to yourself.”  No, no, no, no; forever and ever no!  The priests of antichrist do that, but the servants of Christ cry, “Behold the Lamb of God.”  Our great difficulty (and God will have to do it) is to get men’s eyes off themselves, off their works, off their self-righteousness, off their forms and ceremonies, off their creeds of religion and to get them to look to the crucified, buried, risen and ever-living Christ for salvation.  I want to get you away from depending even in the slightest degree upon anything else but Christ and what He has accomplished for sinners upon the cross of Calvary.  I would not want you to have the shadow of a shade of a ghost of a pretense of a confidence anywhere outside of Christ.  Take your eyes off all ministers, all books, all feelings and even all believings.  Do not even fix your gaze on your own faith.  True faith looks away from itself to the Object of faith, even to Christ; this is what the true witness desires.  Our one business, God helping us, is to get men off from anything and from everything, no matter however good it may appear to be, that they may look alone to Christ, the Lamb of God.                            

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