Five Convictions of the Spiritually Mature

I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. - Philippians 3:14

    Paul declares his aim and goal is to finish the race and obtain the supreme and heavenly prize—the incorruptible crown of life, righteousness, and glory. In the next verse he says, “Let all who are spiritually mature have the same mind and hold the same convictions I have expressed in these preceding words.”

  1. To count all heritage, ceremony, traditions, and works of religion to be dung (rubbish) that we may win Christ and be found in him.
  2. To be willing to suffer the loss of all things for a knowledge of Christ our Lord.
  3. To disclaim perfection in ourselves while desiring it and aiming for it.
  4. To desire to be found only in him, having his righteousness.
  5. To desire above all things to be like Christ and press forward in perseverance to obtain that incorruptible crown.
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