Knowing, Brethren, Your Election of God
I Thessalonians 1:4

     Your ELECTION is known by your CALLING! "You hath He quickened who were dead..." Have you been quickened, made alive to the things of God in Christ? Do you have an interest in the gospel of God's grace and mercy to sinners? "The Holy Spirit will convince the world of sin, of righteousness, and of judgement." Have you been convinced of your sin of unbelief? Have you been convinced that you have no righteousness and need Christ's righteousness? Have you been convinced that there is no judgement only to those in Christ? If God has been pleased to do these things FOR you and IN you, then you are elected! "Our gospel came to you not in word only but in power." Is the gospel of Jesus Christ only facts and history to you, or has that gospel entered your heart and brought you to SEEK a saving interest in Christ? "It is given unto you not only to believe on Him but to suffer for His sake." Do you believe on Him? Do you really believe that Jesus Christ is your wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption and that He, of God, is made unto you all you need? "We love Him because He first loved us." Do you love Christ the Lord? "No man can call Jesus Lord but by the Holy Spirit."Is Christ your Lord? Have you truly bowed to Him in your heart of hearts? "By this shall all men know that you are my disciple, if you love one another." Do you really love the brethren? There is no problem here. If we are God's elect, there are evidences enough; so "give diligence to make your CALLING sure!"

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