What I Need to Hear

   When I attend corporate worship, I need to hear the Gospel. I need to know that His grace is still sufficient, even in the face of my total insufficiency. I need to hear about the victory procured for me on Calvary's tree. My sin-stained soul needs the solace and contentment of knowing that the blood He shed will always be sufficient for a sinner such as I. As long as I live, I will be a sinner in word, thought, and deed. I may exchange certain sinful tendencies for other sinful tendencies along the way (we foolishly label this "Christian growth" because we're hypocrites). But, I am altogether undone in this world, if left to account for myself. As the deer pants for water, so my soul longs to hear the sweet words of Christ yet again, "It is finished." This is His strength made perfect in our weakness! This is the soothing balm of Gilead, the oil and meal in the widow's stores, the rocks in David's sling, the Fourth man in the fiery furnace! Christ! Preach Christ! Preach His finished work! Find him on every page of Scripture! Preach Him at every opportunity! Christ and Him crucified! Nothing else matters!

    To hell (yes, to hell) with "3 Steps to Financial Security," "5 Steps to a Happy Family," "25 1/2 Steps to A More Fulfilled Here and Now." I need the Gospel. The Gospel. The Gospel! We all need the Gospel. EVERYTHING ELSE IS A WASTE OF PRECIOUS TIME!

Topics: Church Bulletin Articles
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