Is It Time for God's Servants to Quit Writing?

    Letter to a dear brother in Christ to keep writing and publishing for the Lord.

    Thank you my dear Brother for your most encouraging letter which motivates me to keep posting both here and on my Blog. Sometimes the writing ministry can get a little discouraging, because unlike personal evangelism or preaching from a pulpit we do not see any ‘immediate’ results. But I heartily agree with what you have written – “Mike, I know people who not only don’t like to read, but admit it with no regret. They cannot bear to look at a passage of words more than two or three long, no matter how big or pretty the print might be, or with what entertaining pictures it might accompany! They believe it is too much for them. There are more people afflicted in this way than you might think in our computer age.”

    Yes there are a lot of people like that in the Church of God which is one reason that I have a burden to present condensed meditations which I have personally gleaned from the older divines and their larger volumes.

    So those of us who have been blessed with a gift to write ought not to quit writing no matter how discouraging it may be. Like with preaching we write till the day we die. If the “gifts and callings of God are without repentance” then we must write as long as we are physically able to do so. And unlike preaching verbally, in most cases that which is written goes longer than that which is spoken. Little wonder Luther said, “If you want to change the world, take your pen and write!”

    Many of us may not even live to enjoy the fruits of what we have written, but they will continue to minister to God’s sheep long after we are gone; and what is said of Abel will be said of us – “that he being dead, yet speaketh!” (Heb 11:4)

    Would John Bunyan, J.C. Philpot or A.W. Pink ever have dreamt that what they wrote then would bless generations to come? And yet they do! God has used some of the sermons and expositions of these Godly men to minister to me in such a personal way that many times I know that when such an one penned what he did . . . God had ME in mind.

    So if God has moved us to write something, or post or publish what other godly men have written then He has someone in mind for whom it is meant. It may not necessarily be someone in the present time, but maybe someone in the years to come. And when they read it and are blessed by it, they will bless our hearts and praise God in all sincerity.

“And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.” (Rev 14:13)

    So do not quit writing my dear brother. As long as you have that burden to proclaim the Gospel and are physically able to do so, you must keep at it bearing in mind the words of the apostle -“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, ALWAYS abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.” [1Cor 15:58]

    thy brother for whom Christ died
    Michael Jeshurun

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